Sell Happiness and Success
Posted by Sopit Todhunter on 16th Apr 2022
Sell happiness and success.
When you do business, you must be happy. If not, your customer knows, so they will not be satisfied when they feel your unhappiness.
For example, if you are a restaurant owner and ask a customer what you want? Or would you like a menu?
Can you feel the difference?. The first question you do not feel the love. Is that right?
Where is happiness?
*Proud of your product. Happy to produce. Your product might not sell at the beginning. However, it makes many people happy and wants to use or consume. Food, i.e. meat, vegetables, people consumed them every day. For example, painting and luxurious items are expensive and not sold every day, but we consume them daily. It is a reasonable price, and the transaction is faster and more often, such as Sainsbury’s sells meat. Bread and egg every day, but the profit is small and sold to the majority population.
*Contentment: If you are wealthy, but the money never is enough, you will never be happy. It is because you want more. You are not satisfied now. Your happiness is in the future, which will never come. A lot of people die young. No one knows when we will stop, breath in and breath out. So you must be happy now. Happy of what are you doing if not change a career. Contentment is the sustainability of your family that if there are no customers, you still survive; for example, pensioners have a pension each month.
*A good relationship with the family brings happiness. But on the other hand, unfinished business or lousy communication with a family member is the rotting foundation of joy.
*Success in life. It depends on many levels. Some people are content with a little shack with a wife and children. That level is successful already; therefore, success depends on individual goals.
Some people have millions of dollars but quarrel and divorce. So is a considerable amount of money that does not guarantee happiness.
*Good Health and longevity.
Rules of longevity.
1. Simple food: fresh and less processed. Many varieties of rainbow food. For example, olive oil, fish, and many fruits and vegetables.
2. Eating with family and friends get rid of loneliness and happy socialising.
3. Good gene comes in two ways. One your parents gave to you not change. But what you eat change your gene, or what you are doing with your body and mind changes your gene. Eating good food shift your gut bacteriahelping fight cancer, diseases. Expose your skin to too much Sunlight to change your gene at the chromosome level, causing skin cancer.
4. Good environment for example fresh air, no pollution living near thewhite sandy beach instead next to the busy road.
5. Vigorous exercises, people who live in Okinawa, Japan, Loma Linden USA so many 90 years old exercises and doing activities they love.
6. Help other if you can. The joy of seeing other smiles is money cannot buy that feeling.
7. Look at refined art such as the Painting of Monet. I was listening to the beautiful music of the BEE GEE or dancing with Tom Jone: Sex Bomb. Be with beautiful things that are the reason I am a painter. I am a keen gardener, and I get both exercises and look at pretty flowers.
Visit to see my happiness via my painting.
m: Your products must refine in the making. If it is food. It must be delicious, good quality, reasonable price and timely delivery.